Your credit score impacts so many aspects of your life. It determines your interest rates on loans and credit cards, whether you are approved for an apartment, and the interest rate you pay on your mortgage. But did you know that your credit score can affect your business? The old adage, "you have to spend money to make money" is truly the truth when it comes to business. But where are you getting that money from if you have a bad credit score? Here are some things you need to know about how your credit score may affect your business in order to get the funding you need.
Credit Line for Inventory
Mortgage Interest or Approval Odds for Real Estate for Brick & Mortar Location
Loan Interest or Approval Odds for Equipment Purchases
Credit Card for Cash Flow
Feeling Forced to Bring in Investors Because Lack of Cash Flow
Don't worry. We've got you covered on how to improve you credit score and get that cash flow moving again. We have come across a a solution through our network with The Financial Diet that helps build your credit. It is called Seedfi. It has great reviews.
Look into to see if it's a great fit for you.